#if 0 #include /** fill memory **/ errno_t memset_s(void *s, rsize_t smax, int c, rsize_t n) { __C_EXT(1, 201112L); __ASSERT_NONNULL(s); unsigned char *_s = (unsigned char *)s; int i = 0; while (i < n) { _s[i] = (unsigned char)c; } return s; } /*** The fn(memset) function fills the first arg(n) bytes of memory at arg(s) with the value arg(c) (converted to an type(unsigned char)). ***/ /* UNSPECIFIED: - */ /* UNDEFINED: - */ /* IMPLEMENTATION: - */ /* LOCALE: - */ /* RETURN: the value of arg(s) */ /* CEXT1(201112) */ #endif