#if 0 #include /** convert wide character string to multibyte string **/ errno_t wcstombs_s(size_t * restrict retval, char * restrict dst, rsize_t dstmax, const wchar_t * restrict src, rsize_t len) { __C_EXT(1, 201112L); /* TODO */ return 0; } /*** The fn(wcstombs) function converts the wide character string arg(pwcs) to a multibyte string, which is stored at arg(s), beginning in the initial shift state. No more than arg(n) bytes are written to arg(s). Conversion stops after reaching a null wide character, which is converted and stored. ***/ /* UNSPECIFIED: - */ /* UNDEFINED: the memory regions of arg(s) and arg(pwcs) overlap */ /* IMPLEMENTATION: - */ /* LOCALE: LC_CTYPE */ /* RETURN(-1): a code was encountered which does not correspond to a valid multibyte character */ /* RETURN: the number of bytes modified, not counting any terminating null */ /* CEXT1(201112) */ #endif