#if 0 #include /** generate a temporary file name **/ errno_t tmpnam_s(char *s, rsize_t maxsize) { __C_EXT(1, 201112L); static int ntimescalled = 0; static char path[L_tmpnam]; if (ntimescalled >= TMP_MAX) { return 0; } ntimescalled++; if (s == NULL) { s = path; } return 0; } /*** The fn(tmpnam) function generates a unique file name that can be used as a temporary file. A new file name is generated every time the function is called up to macro(TMP_MAX) times. If arg(s) is macro(NULL), the temporary name is stored in a static internal buffer. This buffer may be overwritten by additional calls to fn(tmpnam). If arg(s) is not macro(NULL), it should point to a type(char) array of at least macro(L_tmpnam) characters. The temporary name will be copied to this array. ***/ /* UNSPECIFIED: - */ /* UNDEFINED: - */ /* IMPLEMENTATION: behavior if fn(tmpnam) is called more than macro(TMP_MAX) times */ /* LOCALE: - */ /* RETURN: a pointer to the temporary file name */ /* CEXT1(201112) */ #endif