#if 0 #include #include #include /** save program state with signal mask **/ int sigsetjmp(sigjmp_buf env, int savemask) { if (savemask) { /* save mask to env */ } return setjmp(env); } /*** saves the current state of the calling environment in the TYPEDEF(sigjmp_buf) ARGUMENT(env). If ARGUMENT(savemask) is nonzero, the saved environment includes the signal mask of the current thread. ***/ /* CONSTRAINT: entire controlling expression of a selection or iteration statement CONSTRAINT: one operand of a relational or equality operator which is the entire controlling expression of a selction or iteration statement CONSTRAINT: the operand of a unary ! as the entire controlling expression of a selection or iteration statement CONSTRAINT: an entire expression statement UNSPECIFIED(Whether THIS() is a macro or identifier with external linkage) UNDEFINED(A macro definition of THIS() is suppressed in order to access an actual function) UNDEFINED(A program defines an external identifier named LITERAL(setjmp)) POSIX(1) */ #endif