tailcopy the last part of a file 3 years
linkcall link function 3 years
xargsconstruct argument lists and invoke utility
dirnamereturn the directory portion of a pathname 2 years
chownchange the file ownership 3 years
foldfilter for folding lines
bannermake large letters (WITHDRAWN in SUSv1)
sleepsuspend execution for an interval 3 years
whodisplay who is on the system 14 months
uncompressexpand compressed data
mesgpermit or deny messages
joinrelational database operator
rmremove directory entries 2 years
whatidentify SCCS files
pgfile perusal filter for soft-copy terminals (WITHDRAWN in SUSv3)
qselectselect batch jobs
pathchkcheck pathnames 3 years
getget a version of an SCCS file
writewrite to another user 3 years
uunamelist names of other known uucp systems (WITHDRAWN in SUSv3)
colfilter reverse line-feeds (WITHDRAWN in SUSv3)
mvmove files
yaccyet another compiler compiler 3 years
exprevaluate arguments as an expression 2 years
egrepsearch a file with an ERE pattern (WITHDRAWN in SUSv3)
deltamake a delta (change) to an SCCS file
qmsgsend message to batch jobs
stripremove unnecessary information from strippable files
catconcatenate and print files 24 months
shshell, the standard command language interpreter 12 months
datewrite the date and time 3 years
packcompress files (WITHDRAWN in SUSv3)
chmodchange the file modes 3 years
echowrite arguments to standard output
nlline numbering filter
tictranslate terminfo files from source to compiled format (X/Open CURSES)
duestimate file space usage 3 years
truereturn true value 3 years
aliasdefine or display aliases
sumprint checksum and block count of a file (WITHDRAWN in SUSv3)
qstatshow status of batch jobs
idreturn user identity 3 years
trtranslate characters 3 years
calprint a calendar 3 years
extext editor 3 years
fuserlist process IDs of all processes that have one or more files open
fcprocess the command history list
waitawait process completion
oddump files in various formats 3 years
findfind files 14 months
expandconvert tabs to spaces 3 years
mailsend or read mail (WITHDRAWN in SUSv3)
cflowgenerate a C-language flowgraph
envset the environment for command invocation 3 years
sccsfront end for the SCCS subsystem
cancelcancel line printer requests (WITHDRAWN in SUSv3)
rmdelremove a delta from an SCCS file
sortsort, merge, or sequence check text files 3 years
sactprint current SCCS file-editing activity
niceinvoke a utility with an altered nice value 3 years
uulogquery system-to-system transaction log (WITHDRAWN in SUSv3)
redrestricted text editor (WITHDRAWN in SUSv1)
cucall another system (WITHDRAWN in SUSv3)
fgrepsearch a file for a fixed-string pattern (WITHDRAWN in SUSv3)
commselect or reject lines common to two files 3 years
dfreport free disk space
cxrefgenerate a C-language program cross-reference table
qholdhold batch jobs
gencatgenerate a formatted message catalog
unexpandconvert spaces to tabs
wcword, line, and byte or character count 3 years
killterminate or signal processes 3 years
cmpcompare two files 3 years
c99compile standard C programs
uutosend public system-to-system file copies (WITHDRAWN in SUSv3)
printfwrite formatted output 3 years
uustatuucp status enquiry and job control
batchschedule commands to be executed in a batch queue
cca C-language compilation system (WITHDRAWN in SUSv3) 18 months
c89compile standard C programs (WITHDRAWN in SUSv3)
qrerunrerun batch jobs
lintcheck C-language programs (WITHDRAWN in SUSv3)
mkdirmake directories 3 years
sdbsymbolic debugger (WITHDRAWN in SUSv1)
splitsplit a file into pieces 3 years
tsorttopological sort
zcatexpand and concatenate data 3 years
lineread one line (WITHDRAWN in SUSv3)
sttyset the options for a terminal 3 years
viscreen-oriented (visual) display editor
lexgenerate programs for lexical tasks 3 years
mailxprocess messages
ipcrmremove an XSI message queue, semaphore set, or shared memory segment identifier 3 years
tputchange terminal characteristics 3 years
uuxremote command execution
ulimitset or report file size limit
asainterpret carriage-control characters 24 months
hashremember or report utility locations
teeduplicate standard input 3 years
lslist directory contents 14 months
qmovemove batch jobs
cpcopy files 3 years
qsigsignal batch jobs
newgrpchange to a new group
cutcut out selected fields of each line of a file
iconvcodeset conversion 3 years
qdeldelete batch jobs
compresscompress data
lpstatreport line printer status information (WITHDRAWN in SUSv3)
prsprint an SCCS file
stringsfind printable strings in files 3 years
bcarbitrary-precision arithmetic language 3 years
fgrun jobs in the foreground
talktalk to another user
uupickrecieve public system-to-system file copies (WITHDRAWN in SUSv3)
prprint files
touchchange file access and modification times 2 years
basenamereturn non-directory portion of a pathname 3 years
admincreate and administer SCCS files
calendarreminder service (WITHDRAWN in SUSv3)
infocmpcompare or print out terminfo descriptions (X/Open CURSES)
unpackexpand files (WITHDRAWN in SUSv3)
mkfifomake FIFO special files 3 years
localeget locale-specific information 3 years
tarfile archiver (WITHDRAWN in SUSv3)
valvalidate SCCS files
uniqreport or filter out repeated lines in a file 3 years
m4macro processor
spellfind spelling errors (WITHDRAWN in SUSv3)
fort77FORTRAN compiler
readread from standard input into shell variables
pcatexpand and concatenate files (WITHDRAWN in SUSv3)
arcreate and maintain library archives 3 years
ctagscreate a tags file 3 years
reniceset nice values of running processes 3 years
lpsend files to a printer
lnlink files 3 years
uucpsystem-to-system copy
mandisplay system documentation
patchapply changes to files
tabsset terminal tabs
diffcompare two files
chgrpchange the file group ownership 3 years
dircmpdirectory comparison (WITHDRAWN in SUSv3)
wallwrite to all users (WITHDRAWN in SUSv1)
unticterminfo de-compiler (X/Open CURSES)
getoptsparse utility options
psreport process status
falsereturne false value 3 years
qrlsrelease batch jobs
rmdirremove directories 3 years
chrootchange root directory for a command (WITHDRAWN in SUSv1)
ungetundo a previous get of an SCCS file
pastemerge corresponding or subsequent lines of files 3 years
commandexecute a simple command
unaliasremove alias definitions
qsubsubmit a script
cksumwrite file checksums and sizes 2 years
cdchange the working directory
ipcsreport XSI interprocess communication facilities status 3 years
crontabschedule periodic background work 3 years
getconfget configuration values 3 years
bgrun jobs in the background
ededit text 3 years
loggerlog messages 3 years
umaskget or set the file mode creation mask
disdisassembler (WITHDRAWN in SUSv3)
pwdreturn working directory name 3 years
cpiocopy file archives in and out (WITHDRAWN in SUSv3)
paxportable archive interchange 3 years
uuencodeencode a binary file 3 years
localedefdefine locale environment
atexecute commands at a later time
sedstream editor
nmwrite the name list of an object file
qalteralter batch job
makemaintain, update, and regenerate groups of programs
awkpattern scanning and processing language
uudecodedecode a binary file 3 years
filedetermine file type 3 years
csplitsplit files based on context
grepsearch a file for a pattern 24 months
nohupinvoke a utility immune to hangups 3 years
lognamereturn the user's login name 3 years
unlinkcall the unlink function 3 years
testevaluate expression 3 years
timetime a simple command 3 years
ddconvert and copy a file 3 years
ttyreturn user's terminal name 3 years
unamereturn system name 3 years
typewrite a description of command type
headcopy the first part of files 3 years
moredisplay files on a page-by-page basis 24 months
jobsdisplay status of jobs in the current session
includeheader files for the base definition of POSIX.1 5 months
ylibrary functions for yacc programs
llibrary functions for lex programs
cursesimplementation of X/Open Curses
cimplementation of system interfaces from POSIX.1 3 months
respawndkeep programs running while the system is up
gettymanage a terminal device 3 years
initinitialize the system
loginauthenticate users
usermanipulate users